<% 'if the form has been submitted with details filled in If Request.Form <> "" Then 'Declare variables Dim oConnection, oRecordset, sSQL, sMessage, sUserName Dim sPassword, sEmail_Body, sEmail, sSubject sEmail = Request.Form("txtemail") Set oConnection=Server.CreateObject("ADODB.connection") Set oRecordset=Server.CreateObject("ADODB.recordset") oConnection.Open(sConnString) sSQL = "SELECT * FROM tblMembers WHERE Email ='" & sEmail & "' AND ACTIVE='Y'" oRecordset.Open sSQL, oConnection If oRecordset.BOF AND oRecordset.EOF Then sMessage = "Your Email address does not exist in the list of approved users." Else sUserName = oRecordset("UserName") sPassword = oRecordset("MembersPassword") 'Send out an email to member with forgotten password sSubject=sSitename & " Forgotten Password" sEmail_body="Your username is : " & sUsername & _ "
Your password is : " & sPassword Call SendEmail(sEmail, sSubject, sEmail_body, sAdminEmail, "HTML") sMessage = "Your login details have been sent to your email address." End If oRecordset.Close oConnection.Close Set oRecordset = Nothing Set oConnection = Nothing 'once the form has been submitted and there are no errors Response.write "
" & sMessage & "
" End If %>